Joignez-vous à Tandana à Otavalo, en Equateur, ou de n'importe où dans le monde!

Allez au-dela de votre expérience de voyage ou de volontariat typique lors d'un voyage avec intention avec nous dans les hautes terres de l'Equateur. Ces voyages offrent aux individus et aux groupes une occasion passionnante de se connecter avec les membres de la communauté et de contribuer à leurs projets, tout en découvrant la culture locale Kichwa et en profitant de la beauté naturelle majestueuse de la région. Nous offrons également des opportunités à distance dans le confort de votre foyer pour en savoir plus sur l'Equateur et le Mali.


Voyages avec intention en Équateur:

Voyages avec intention pour les particuliers  -

 3-10 févier 2025

Voyages avec intention pour les familles-

 22-29 juillet 2024


Opportunités à distance:

Connexion à distance

A variety of ways for your class, group, or club to connect online with Tandana

partners in Ecuador and Mali such as Cultural Activities, Speakers Bureau, and more.

"Vous rentrerez chez vous complètement submergé par ce que vous avez vu, qui vous avez rencontré, ce que vous avez appris et comment votre cœur s'est élargi. Vous serez inspiré pour dépasser vos propres attentes de vous-même." - Jim, bénévole du Montana


Join Tandana on an adventure of a lifetime! We offer open-enrollment volunteer programs for adults or families as well as custom group volunteer programs for all ages. These trips bring together diverse individuals united by a desire to learn, grow, share, and contribute to the communities they visit. They provide opportunities to experience life in Ecuadorian communities; exchange ideas with locals of different perspectives, ages, and vocations; and give and receive joy.

Did you know that your trip with Tandana is a net zero-emission trip? Click External link opens in new tab or windowhere for more details.

Les résultats sont là! Après avoir répondu à une brève enquête post-programme:

90% des personnes interrogées déclarent qu'elles participeraient à nouveau à un programme Tandana.
96% des répondants disent qu'ils recommanderaient un programme Tandana à d'autres.
97% des personnes interrogées déclarent avoir le sentiment que cette expérience les a aidées à grandir de manière positive.

For a taste of what our trips are like, watch this short video...

Below you can read stories from our blog to get excited about your upcoming trip!


Stitched together: The making of a special Tandana present

In November at The Tandana Foundation’s Legacy of Hope Celebration, party goers gave many generous gifts to honor the nearly two decades of service and dedication of Hope Taft to the organization and in recognition of her 80th birthday. Español Français Notably, Tandana raised over $100,000 to support four important community projects in the areas … Continue reading "Stitched together: The making of a special Tandana present"


Looking back on my year supporting Tandana volunteer groups in Ecuador

When I started this new year, there were sad and happy moments. An excellent colleague finished his contract and had to return home, but I met a new colleague that I would work with to support volunteer groups throughout the year. English Français Recordando mi año apoyando a grupos de voluntariado Tandana en Ecuador Cuando … Continue reading "Looking back on my year supporting Tandana volunteer groups in Ecuador"


From Friends to Ambassadors: Introducing a new opportunity to engage with and support Tandana

For those looking for more opportunities to engage with and support the organization, The Tandana Foundation is launching a new Ambassador Program to provide a way to do just that. Español Français Tandana is currently seeking enthusiastic individuals for the new program who are willing to share their Tandana memories and experiences with their friends … Continue reading "From Friends to Ambassadors: Introducing a new opportunity to engage with and support Tandana"


Triki Traka: It’s not your grandma’s tic tac toe!

I have been hearing more and more over the last few years – from coworkers from The Tandana Foundation and volunteers who have joined us on trips alike – about this fun game in Ecuador with similarities to Tic Tac Toe called Triki Traka. Now, I’ve been a part of Tandana for the past 12 … Continue reading "Triki Traka: It’s not your grandma’s tic tac toe!"


Part 3: What a volunteer teacher group learned about the rich culture and natural beauty of highland Ecuador

A group of 11 teachers from the National Science Foundation’s Research in Science Global STEM program, recently traveled to Ecuador for a three-week volunteer and cultural immersion trip organized by The Tandana Foundation. Español Français Below, the teachers share what aspects of the trip they particularly enjoyed and what they learned about the indigenous culture … Continue reading "Part 3: What a volunteer teacher group learned about the rich culture and natural beauty of highland Ecuador"