Scholarship Program
"I received a scholarship to finish my last year of secondary school. After I graduated, I started working at a daycare center in my community. I worked for two years without studying so I could save money to begin at the university. But, the money I saved still wasn’t enough to cover all the costs. Then The Tandana Foundation offered me the great opportunity to have help with my university studies. They trusted in my ability and in my dreams, and because of this I will keep studying with so much dedication, effort, and lots of enthusiasm.”
-- Margarita from Ecuador
Scholarship Program Overview
Tandana offers rural Ecuadorian students funding for uniforms, books, supplies, transportation, and other costs so that they can continue their secondary and higher education. We have systematized our application and reporting procedures to ensure that we give fair treatment to all students, and that all scholarship recipients maintain their eligibility (particularly concerning grades). We support almost 100 high school students.
Our university students are studying accounting, tourism, medicine, clothing design, mechanics, business adminstration, and other subjects so that they can become professionals who contribute their skills to their communities and society. In exchange for Tandana's support, university scholarship recipients engage in community service to share their new skill and knowledge for the betterment of their communities. And to help university to become a reality for more Ecuadorian youth, Tandana is launching its own prep course for university entrance exams to combat the exorbitant cost of private courses.
Les cours de vacances
Nos étudiants boursiers en Équateur expérimentent souvent une transition difficile, lors du passage, de leurs petites écoles primaires rurales à leurs grandes écoles secondaires urbaines. Ils nous ont demandé d’assurer des cours d'été pour les aider dans les matières les plus difficiles, l'anglais et les mathématiques. Chaque été, nous offrons cinq semaines de cours gratuits dans ces matières et d'autres sujets à environ 60 étudiants, ou bien boursiers ou issus d'autres communautés environnantes. Les enseignants locaux enseignent les mathématiques, tandis que nos stagiaires d'été enseignent l'anglais et d'autres sujets tels que la géographie, l'art, l'histoire et la santé. Parfois, nos étudiants boursiers universitaires enseignent aussi. Pour ajouter à l'expérience éducative, nous emmenons les étudiants sur le terrain et organisons de petits projets de service auxquels ils peuvent participer. Les cours leur permettent de renforcer leurs compétences, de rattraper les concepts qu'ils ont manqués à l'école et de les préparer à réussir l’année à venir.
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